Multiplier Events


ME 1: Methods for mapping networks and roles in or related to university-school partnership /Nurnberg

First Multiplier Event took place in Nuremberg on from 28th of February till 1st of March, 2023. Participants visited the Nuremberg Center for Vocational Education and Training as well as the company DATEV, a software house and IT service provider for tax consultants, auditors and lawyers. The meeting was chaired by FAU with an agenda, notified to partners in advance and minutes circulated post-meeting.

VET in Germany LeadVET Multiplier Event-1 LeadVET Multiplier Event-2 DATEV Multiplier Event

ME 2: Best practices and roles in VTE: bridging the theory-practice gap in networks related to university-school partnership / Helsinki

Second Multiplier Event took place in Helsinki from 21st of September to 22nd of September, 2023 in Helsinki, Finland. In the Hybrid webinar organised by Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences on 21st of September, 2023, Dr. Mika Saranpää & Dr Crister Nyberg presented  “Optimizing knowledge transfer between working life, vocational institutes and vocational teacher education” to the participants. Petteri Tiljander presented “Work & Study model as knowledge transfer provider for regional co-operation.” Heidi Hovi-Sippola presented “Green City Farm learning environment of sustainable development. Unique way for innovative network co-operation”. After the webinar, visited Stadin AO, Helsinki Vocational College and Adult Institute. On 22nd of September, 2023, participants visited Finnish National Agency for Education.

Presentation Network Analysis-Finland Version First Results


ME 3: Best practices and roles in the recruitment of VET teachers / Trondheim

Multiplier Event 3 will be focused on the recruitment of vocational teachers and the advantages of equipping them to fulfill dual roles in VET and in their respective professions.

ME 4: Conference: “Closing the gap” Improve vocational teacher education and increase recruitment of vocational teachers / Antalya

Multiplier Event 5 is Antalya Ending Conference “Closing the Gap” Improve Vocational Teacher Education and Increase Recruitment of Vocational Teachers. This event will showcase the full set of results of LeadVET and will enable the project to finalize the bite-size learning videos and assess audience reaction.

Brochure Programme Photos/Videos

Eklenme tarihi :17.02.2023 23:03:12
Son güncelleme : 10.03.2025 13:12:18